Coronavirus Outbreak: Tips for Housing Societies

Coronavirus outbreak, realestatesmarttips

The world continues its fight against the Coronavirus outbreak. Therefore, everyone at their own individual level is striving to take responsible measures. This is just to keep themselves and all around them safe. Schools, offices, and all public places have shut down. Even housing societies are taking the necessary precautionary steps for their residents.

By keeping a few things in mind, these complexes can make their significant contribution to prevent spread of COVID 19.

Coronavirus Outbreak Prevention: Guidelines for Housing Societies

It’s difficult and practically impossible to isolate the residents living in a housing complex. However, RWAs and societies can still follow some helpful practices. These would help them to put a stop to the spread of coronavirus. Let’s discuss a few:

  1. Stick on strictly to the social distancing norms prescribed by the government. Do not allow holding of gatherings – big or small. Avoid it in any non-emergency situations within the complex.
  2. Keep the common recreational areas closed during this time. These include playgrounds, gym, party hall, indoor/outdoor play spaces, jogging track, library, and swimming pool, to name a few. All common-use areas such as elevators, corridors, basements, and car parks must be sanitised several times a day.
  3. COVID-19 test should be done for all residents who have travelled from abroad in the recent past or from any state in India. The society should request them to self-quarantine themselves. This should be for a period of at least two weeks.
  4. Security guards and housekeeping staff must wear masks and gloves at all times when serving inside the complex.
  5. All visitors to the complex must sanitise their hands before entering. Ideally, only persons delivering essential services (milkman, newspaper boy, grocery suppliers should be allowed beyond the gate).
  6. In cases groceries aren’t supplied to the complex, only one family member per house should be allowed to go out.
  7. Public transport like autos, rickshaws, and cabs should also be restricted from entering beyond the main gate.
  8. Domestic help should be restricted from entering the housing.
  9. The society must ensure that residents having pets and bringing them out within the complex must have been administered all the necessary vaccines. Their owners should be asked to walk the pet only inside the complex. Though, there isn’t clear evidence to support that coronavirus outbreak can be a result of the animal to human interaction, it’s always best to be on the side of safe than sorry.
  10. Special supervision must be in place for elderly residents above 65 years. Besides children below 10 years should not wander around unnecessarily.

COVID-19 Prevention: Guidelines for Residents

It’s not only the housing society’s responsibility to keep everyone safe. Unless we all at our own individual level take responsible steps forward, the fight against corona may not be successful.

  1. Do you need to use the elevator? Did you touch the buttons? Ensure you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds as you reach home. Further, for all the groceries purchased from outside the complex; wash the stuff as well as your hands well.
  2. Don’t touch your face, eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  3. Cough or sneeze, if you have to, into your elbow.
  4. Self-declare to your respective RWA. Report about the sickness if you or any of your family members are in such a situation. Be true to yourself.
  5. Eat healthy. Exercise regularly, preferably at home. This would boost your immunity.

To sum up:

Following a few simple rules can help save the lives of many. Your housing society is doing enough to protect you every single minute. Then don’t you do your bit too in every little way possible? Let’s all join hands and prevent spread of coronavirus. Remember, the golden rule is to be cautious; not to panic.

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